Summarising: To maintain humanity women need to find men attractive A poor deal for women, as I shall explain. A system "with minor exceptions", I said previously, but Lucy adds "not so minor", citing lesbianism and celibacy. I agree about lesbianism and would go further; not just on behalf of women who have come out but for the larger total who have experimented. Proof that the Intelligent Designer (that ironic entity) had a bad day at the drawing board.
Celibacy is a more dubious option which needs more space than I have. It also needs dividing into voluntary and imposed states and may still be minor.
Men are a poor deal because:
● They rationalise then start wars.
● Having started/finished a war, they spend aeons celebrating the glories they experienced therein.
● Men become obsessed by sport which is bad enough. But some take up dangerous sports (motor racing, climbing) which overrule both connubial and familial responsibilities.
● When death overtakes a dangerous sport practitioner he is ennobled (by other men) instead of being escorted to a suicide's grave.
● Men's needs traduce the wonder of publishing. Women's porn may exist, but there is no doubt about men's porn.
● Not naturally ingenious, men rise to the heights in devising pay systems which discriminate against women.
● Men have an inexact idea about improving their attractions, often accidentally increasing their sexual appeal to other men.
● Men appear to fear ballet.
● Primitive ideas about physical dominance over women are not confined to primitive living conditions.
● Men assume parenthood reluctantly.
Astute readers (No gender, no pack-drill) will recognise some of the above are included via my personal experience.
Much of what I've said is obvious. Part Four, the final part, will explain why I said it.