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Thursday 11 May 2023

The Constitution and the Delete button

Did any of us imagine that losing the sex abuse civil action would modify Trump’s behaviour? Only the supreme optimists, perhaps. Or those who looked fearfully into the future, hoping... for what?

I mean, suppose he lost everything: preaching insurrection, tampering with Georgia’s presidential results, the pilfered documents, and whatever. It’s not so much whether he would cave in, we’re damn sure he wouldn’t. Rather, would anything change the minds of his supporters or the political opportunism of MAGA Republicans in Congress? The answer’s, same again.

And suppose – ah, it’s almost too horrifying – he again became Leader of the Free World. A second term with no worries about re-election. He gave a hint when  campaigning for 2020. A third term? someone asked. Well, why not? he replied jovially. Implying not just a third term but a term of infinite length. The untouchable dictator. Talk about banana republics.

I’ve always said irony is not fully appreciated in the USA. But presently irony seems inescapable. Having kicked out the Brits the fledgling Americans had a golden opportunity to design a plan perfected for governing in the late eighteenth century. They did a pretty good job. But the irony lay in the assumption that those in power would be well-behaved when convincingly accused of malfeasance.  After all, even Tricky Dicky knew when to get into the helicopter for the last time. It was assumed morality would still work.

Amorality – the complete lack of morals – was never considered. But now, well, revolutions have kicked off for lesser reasons.

Having crossed the Atlantic in late 1965 I found myself renting in sleepy Dormont, a Pittsburgh suburb. The world seemed a warm and contented place. Suppose a time warp had me there today. Um, oh bloody um.


  1. I never watch or listen to that buffoon. It's scary enough seeing his face on the front page of every online news site. His presence is a deadly cyclone on the horizon, a category 5 hurricane racing to slam into Washington DC, an earth-splitting earthquake about to shake us all to hell.

  2. NewRobin13: I'm not sure about "buffoon". I tend to see the word as comical, incompetent but harmless. Whereas Trump has the capacity to start WW3.

  3. If Trump or just the republicans in general regain the presidency, that will be the end of this democracy. The scary part is that the republicans are perfectly happy to burn it all down in order to regain the power.

  4. ellen abbott: Aren't you worried that this (the end of democracy) may already have happened? In general I support the liberal view but worry that the target is always Trump and/or the GOP. For me the true horror is that close to half the electorate voted for neo-Fascism and/or the childish attractions of anarchy. That the predispositon is there already - ie, that destruction is so much more fun than laboriously trying to solve political problems.
